Gaps in the CDH Journey

The “Gaps in the CDH Journey” project aims to improve the outcomes for children born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia through identifying the Top 10 Research Priorities of people with a lived experience of CDH.

Gaps in the CDH Journey - Online survey

Please share our survey


Gaps in the CDH Journey – Marketing toolkit


Our Marketing Toolkit includes all of the information you need to share our survey including social media posts, suggested copy, tags, hashtags and links


DOWNLOAD: Gaps in the CDH Journey – Marketing Toolkit ZIPPED

Encourage participation 


Use the images and suggested copy below to help share our survey –

Suggested copy


  • Calling all healthcare workers and clinicians who have experience with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. We need your help to shape the future research of this life-threatening condition that affects 1 in every 2,500 babies.







  • Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia is one of the more common congenital birth defects, having a 50% survival rate for babies diagnosed before birth. You can help improve the health and wellbeing for babies born with CDH by completing this short survey.


  • The “Gaps in the CDH Journey” project will identify questions and priorities of people with a lived experience of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, their caregivers, and health care providers.


  • Calling all parents who have experience with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. We need your help to shape the future research of this life-threatening condition that affects 1 in every 2,500 babies. 




Please use hashtags on social media posts


#CongenitalDiaphragmaticHernia #CDH #CDHResearchPriorities #CDHTop10 #CDHResearch #CDHPriorities #CongentialDiaphragmaticHerniaResearch #CDHAustralia #CDHSFS #MCRI



Social media handles (for tagging)


CDH Australia

Facebook: @CDHAustralia 

Instagram: @cdh_australia

Twitter: @CDHAustralia

LinkedIn: @CDH Australia


Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

Facebook: @Murdoch Children’s Research Institute – MCRI

Instagram: @murdoch_childrens

Twitter:  @MCRI_for_kids

LinkedIn: @Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI)


James Lind Alliance

Twitter: @LindAlliance


Gaps in the CDH Journey

Twitter: @CDHTop10




Online survey link (short bitly):

Online survey link (full):

MCRI Website

James Lind Alliance:

CDH Australia website:



Online survey dates

Phase 1: Open 13 November 2022 – Close 16 January 2023

The “Gaps in the CDH Journey” project is a collaboration between the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and CDH Australia, supported by the James Lind Alliance.


This project’s vision is to improve the outcomes for children born with CDH through understanding the research priorities of people with a lived experience of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in Australia.


The result will be the identification of the Top 10 Priorities for CDH Research in Australia.


The Top 10 Priorities will be published and shared with key groups such as research funders, healthcare providers, hospitals, research institutes, researchers, and the wider community.


By identifying, prioritising, and sharing the needs and questions of people with CDH, their families and healthcare providers our goal is to inspire further research, influence future care, and improve outcomes and wellbeing of those diagnosed with CDH in Australia.


This is your chance to have a direct and meaningful role in optimising the outcomes of babies born with, and those affected by CDH.

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Help us continue to fund vital CDH research and hopefully improve the outcome for children born with CDH. Make a tax-deductible donation today.