our articles
We regularly share news, interviews, blogs and information about Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH).
Media articles featuring CDH families
- Baby Scarlett needed life-saving surgery after being born with rare organ condition — Jamie Woods and Jade Curriez
- Neonatal cot cameras let families livestream sick and premature babies around the clock — Jacki Nicholson
- Madison Manners gets rare surgery at Townsville University Hospital — Jane Blackbourn and Laurence Manners
- Finding out that one of our twins had a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia — Lauren Cotter
- Megan says Western Australia’s abortion laws made her already traumatic termination even worse — Megan Garnett
- The words no parents wants to hear: “your baby may die” — Mikayla Maurice
- It’s a miracle I survived at all — Brendon Santablab, CDH Australia ambassador
- Miller Lewis Dray, forever one day old — Alanah Lewis and Jeff Dray
- Sunflower Sunday shines a light on CDH — Jeff and Mikayla Maurice
- I could tell by the doctor’s faces that something wasn’t right — Courtney Vodopic
CDH Research Articles
- Diagnosis, management and long term cardiovascular outcomes of phenotypic profiles in pulmonary hypertension associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- Knowledge Gaps in the Fetal to Neonatal Transition of Infants With a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Physiologic-Based Cord Clamping Maintains Core Temperature vs. Immediate Cord Clamping in Near-Term Lambs
- CDH research gives hope to families
- Monash research into CDH gives families hope
- Dr Aidan Kashyap explains his CDH research project
- Concord Birth Trolley going “down under”
- Dr Aidan Kashyap receives recognition for CDH research
- Congenital diaphragmatic hernia Doctoral Thesis excellence progresses research to clinical trial