resource library
We have a variety of resources available for anyone navigating their journey through Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). Please look through our resources and also consider joining one of our private Facebook groups, which are made up of other parents and families who have been through this journey, or who are currently navigating their way through it.
What is Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Download: What is CDH?
Expecting a baby with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia- Booklet
Download booklet: Expecting a baby with CDH
Medical terminology
Download: Medical terminology
Preparing your home for your CDH baby
Download: Preparing your home for baby
Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Download: NICU tips
Feeding CDH babies
Download: Feeding your child with CDH
Your child’s medical history
Download: Your child’s medical history
Schools information sheet
Download: Information sheet for school and sport days
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Download: PTSD and CDH
Supporting bereaved families
Download: How to support bereaved parents
Covid19 and Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Download: Covid19 and CDH
You will have a number of appointments after your Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) diagnosis. It is often difficult to know or to remember what to ask medical professionals during these appointments. To assist you, we have created question sheets, which also feature advice from parents who have previously been through this journey.
Download: Questions and advice during pregnancy
Download: Questions and advice at diagnosis
Specific questions for your hospital
Download: Questions and advice for the hospital
Birth and labour
Download: Questions and advice for birth and labour
Post-birth and NICU
Download: Questions and advice for post-birth and NICU
Discharge and going home
Download: Questions and advice for discharge and going home
Children with CDH
Download: Questions and advice for raising children with CDH
Check out our videos related to Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) via our YouTube channel.
We hope this page of useful links is of assistance to you. If you have a link that you think should be added to the page, please email us.
Financial support
Miracle Babies provides a detailed outline of parental payments and allowances.
Services Australia: Having a Baby provides detailed tools and resources for financial assistance and payments.
Department of Social Services: Supporting Carers provides information and resources for carers.
NDIS: for families and carers Information about services dedicated to help you in your role as a carer.
Services Australia: Carer Payment provides income support for carers to someone who has a severe disability or illness.
Services Australia: Bereavement explains what help is available if your child has passed away.
Services Australia may be able to provide support if you recently had a baby who was stillborn.
Travel and accommodation assistance
If you or your child need to travel long distances for medical treatment, you may be eligible for state government financial support. See the below links.
NSW: Travel Assistance (IPTAAS)
ACT: Interstate patient travel assistance (IPTAS)
QLD: Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS)
VIC: Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)
TAS: Patient Travel Assistance Scheme (PTAS)
SA: Patient Assistance Transport Scheme (PATS)
WA: Patient Assisted Travel Scheme (PATS)
NT: Patient Assistance Travel Scheme (PATS)
Mental health and wellbeing resources
Links to Australian organisations with information and support for the mental health of you and your family.
Crisis support If you, or someone you know, is experiencing emotional distress and would like to access immediate support, please connect with Lifeline.
Beyond Blue 24/7 mental health support. Information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best mental health.
Carers Australia Short-term counselling and emotional and psychological support services for carers and their families in each state and territory.
Embrace Multicultural Mental Health A national platform for multicultural communities and Australian mental health services to access resources, services and information in a culturally accessible format. Access to professional counselling. Eligible people can receive up to 10 individual and up to 10 group allied mental health services each year.
Head to Health An innovative website that can help you find free and low-cost, trusted online and phone mental health resources.
Headspace Free online and telephone service that supports young people aged between 12 and 25 and their families going through a tough time.
Kids Helpline A free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.
MensLine Australia A telephone and online support, information and referral service, helping men to deal with relationship problems in a practical and effective way.
MindSpot Clinic An online and telephone clinic providing free assessment and treatment services for Australian adults with anxiety or depression.
Relationships Australia A provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities.
SANE Australia Information about mental illness, treatments, where to go for support and help for carers.
For families who have lost a child to CDH
Angelgowns A not-for-profit charity that specialises in supplying angel gown garments to families that have sadly had a baby pass away.
Heartfelt A volunteer organisation of professional photographers dedicated to giving the gift of photographic memories to families who experience stillbirth or have children with serious or life-threatening illness.
Sands provides individualised care from one bereaved parent to another.
Rednose grief and loss over 40 years’ experience supporting grieving individuals and families. Access their 24/7online support line or resources.
The Compassionate Friends Victoria dedicated to supporting grieving parents, siblings and grandparents in the event of the death of a child.
Griefline provides free counselling support to anyone experiencing grief and loss.
Hospitals and medical institutions
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Canberra Hospital – Centenary Hospital for Women and Children
New South Wales (NSW)
Sydney’s Children’s Hospital (Westmead and Randwick)
SCH Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) Clinic
Queensland (QLD)
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
South Australia (SA)
Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Victoria (VIC)
Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH)
Western Australia (WA)
Princess Margaret Hospital for Children
Research institutes
First-hand experiences
Read these first-hand experiences from parents and family. What is it like to go home with a feeding tube? To take a baby home on oxygen? To be a CDHer grandparent?

What is it like to have a baby where CDH is diagnosed post birth (not detected during pregnancy)?
Ebony shares her experience of learning her child had CDH post-birth.
Read more
What it is like to be a CDH grandparent?
Lisa shares her experience of learning her daughter and son-in-law received a CDH diagnosis for one of their unborn twins.
Read more
What it is like to have your CDH baby go home with a nastrogastric tube and on oxygen
Audrey was discharged from hospital with a feeding/natrogastric (NG) tube and on oxygen. Honor describes the experience of bringing home your baby when they require feeding and breathing assistance.
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What is it like to be an adult CDH survivor and have a baby of your own
Erin’s left-hand-side CDH was diagnosed at her mother’s 20-week ultrasound scan in 1993. She was born in 1993 in Melbourne and has since had 5 surgeries to repair the hole in her diaphragm. In 2022...
Read moreCDH Stories
These stories have been shared by families with a child diagnosed with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) in the hopes of helping other families navigate their own journey.
Our family stories are heartfelt and inspiring but may be emotionally triggering. For support options, please visit How we can help