CDH research

Our generous donors and supporters have helped us to fund three research projects with the aim of improving outcomes for babies born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. By funding research we are offering our community a brighter future.

Current research


Gaps in the CDH Journey: Priority-Setting Partnership between CDH Australia, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and James Lind Alliance

CDH Australia partnered with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and James Lind Alliance to fund and deliver a research paper outlining the unanswered questions relating to CDH care in Australia.


Involving members of the CDHA community, as well as medical and allied health experts involved in the care of CDH families, the project’s research was published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood (ADC) in 2024.


This is an international and peer-reviewed journal specialising in child health. As an official journal of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, ADC provides paediatricians with the most recent, relevant and original research reports, commentaries, clinical and policy reviews, and education.


Publication of the research study increases viewership of the study and its results. This publication will reach, and be read by, clinicians, researchers and academics, thereby increasing knowledge of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, and increasing the likelihood of further research into the Top 10 CDH Research Priorities.



We donated $30,000 to The Hudson Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne to purchase a Concord Birth Trolley Table for participation in a global medical trial. The Concord Table will enable the medical team to improve birth for babies who need support by providing lifesaving care with the umbilical cord intact. Close to mum, bub will have the maximum benefit of blood from the placenta; and as we now know, delaying cord clamping has been shown to be beneficial where lung aeration is compromised.


It is hoped that our participation with The Hudson Institute, and the purchase of the Concord Table, will accelerate progress of the trial and provide vital experience to Australian clinicians on the logistics involved in providing support for babies born with CDH.




We proudly funded our first CDH research grant into new therapies and treatments for babies diagnosed with this condition.


With the help of fundraisers and donors in the CDH community, we contributed $30,000 to a CDH research project with The Fetal Therapy Research Group to investigate new therapies that could help CDH babies’ lungs develop better during pregnancy.


The Fetal Therapy Research Group at The Ritchie Centre (Monash University and Hudson Institute of Medical Research) is working towards improving outcomes for babies who have difficulty breathing at birth due to CDH.


One researcher, Dr Aidan Kayshap, focuses on improving lung development in these babies before they are born, so that one day all babies with CDH, and their parents, can breathe a little easier. This research contributed to the discovery of the benefits of delaying umbilical cord clamping at birth in infants with CDH.

CDH research articles


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